Amir Rahman Khan Essay

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CRUSHING OPPOSITION Amir Abdul Rahman Khan did not allow any power inside the country to stand against the reforms he launched as needed to implement the plans he had to create national unity and bring about unification. Whether Pashtoon, Uzbeck, Hazaras or Barikzai, Dorani. Ghilzai, Mullah. landholder, landowner, feudal, clergy, or an ordinary citizen were all being treated the same. Any person or force attempting to oppose the Amir and his plans would be eliminated through intoxication, blinding, hanging, throwing into wells, burning with boiling oil, decapitation, exiling, burying alive, and firing squad. Even the Amirs friends and those who fought in the second Anglo-Afghan war did not matter when the Amir got suspicious of their opposition. Without pursuing any proof, they would disappear. During the reign of Amir Abdul Rahman Khan, the women and children in Uruzgan were being sold in the open market. The government employees from the Mohamrnadzai tribe were given entitlement of receiving a preferential rate in their salary. He issued a decree that military officers be recruited from the Dorani tribe, and that in the event they did not accept the recruitment, then the hiring should be from the formalis tribe. The landless Pashtoons from other parts of Afghanistan were moved to the north, and land was given to them. The killing by the Amir got so numerous and extensive that people forgot the cruelties and brutality that Roberts did to them. By 1893, the Amir finally succeeded in restoring calm throughout the country after subduing one after the other the feudal of the eastern region, the uprising by the Shinwaris, the upheaval from …show more content…

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