
Amir Baba's Son Character Analysis

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Amir, Baba’s son born in 1963, was a Pashtun in Afghanistan. His mother died while giving birth to him, and his father wasn’t very supportive of him. Baba always seemed to prefer Hassan, he thinks of Amir as weak and not very courageous. Amir had a passion for storytelling and writing, and because his father never supported him in the idea of becoming a writer, He trusted in Rahim Khan, a close friend of his father’s. Rahim supported his dreams of becoming a writer. Amir was a young boy who wanted to fight for his dreams, and I admire that. But the story changes, His best friend Hassan is an amazing kite runner and they both spend most of their time together since Hassan’s Father worked for Baba. One day Hassan was chasing Amir’s kite and he found Assef in an alleyway and because he …show more content…

So Amir kept quiet about what he had seen and due to all the guilt he felt, and having to see Hassan every day, he decided to leave a watch and some money under Hassan’s mattress to falsely accuse him of stealing. Although Baba forgave him and didn’t kick them out, Hassan and his father decided to leave anyway, so after all Amir’s plan ended up working for his benefit. I think what he did makes him a coward, and a terrible person, that was his best friend getting hurt out there, and for him to just sit there and not do anything about it, is one of the worst things a human being can do. He achieved to get rid of Hassan, but not his guilt, and that’s a good thing because if someone were to do such a thing, I think they should be haunted with it for the rest of their lives until they are able to make up for it, which is a hard thing to do. Five years later, Amir and Baba escaped from Afghanistan due to the soviet military intervention. There he studied to become better at his writing skills and his father, was later on diagnosed with terminal

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