An Act Of Collaboration With Extended Definition Of Suicide

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In definition Suicide is when a person decides to terminate their own life by themselves. It must outcome in death to be considered suicide not an accidental death. Some may consider it an act of desperation with extended definition of egoism where the individual only considers their self. It would be favorable for the individual to possess altruism and consider others. Most individuals do not want to die.
There are different categories of suicide for instance; there is Suicide ideation which means the person is thinking about harming themselves. There is also Suicide attempt which includes all deliberate, self-inflicted, life threatening attempts that have not led to death. Completed suicide is the act of intentionally taking one’s own life …show more content…

Most likely when individuals have access to these substances, it is very important to carefully monitor all medications in your home. Beware hand out various types of prescriptions and medications at school and sell to their classmates and they tend to keep the medication in their backpacks or purses. There is definitely not only one theory on why suicide happens. There has been quite a few of clinical studies done to indicate factors that are contributing to the cause. Many of the factors include hopelessness, alcoholism, psychological disorders, aggressive behaviors, sexual abuse and last but not limited to head injuries.
Many of the individuals who commit suicide often have had emotional troubled lives or very poor critical thinking skills. Suicide has been known for a long time to have some genetic factors as well. Societal factors need to be included as well. They can surge the potential for suicide these include negative life experiences, poor support system, lack of attention, and major life …show more content…

Many are known to the population and there are many that are not. The body is amazing in how its anatomy and physiology accompanies it. The body produces many chemicals or neurotransmitters for its self to operate, when there is an imbalance there are different problems that can occur. For instance if the body doesn’t produce enough serotonin then one will be depressed, if the body doesn’t produce enough dopamine then one will probably have Parkinson’s, as well as if the body doesn’t produce enough GABA one will have anxiety and decreased endorphins. There are different classes of medications that can be prescribed to help decrease these feelings and insufficiencies. Those who are psychotic have an increased risk for suicide attempts and or completion. More likely than if they have hallucinations that are significant in telling them to execute themselves or delusions that are evident that they must die. These individuals have feelings of worthlessness, helplessness, and hopeless to name the top three. Worthlessness is lack of self-esteem within, helplessness is refers to loss of family and social support, and last but not lest is hopelessness which refers to no purpose in life.
There are many ways to approach these matters clinically however; it solely depends on the individual and if treatment will be effective. Speaking genetically suicide can be linked there is no specific gene that