An Analysis Of Hersey's Rest Is Resistance

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Throughout Rest is Resistance, Hersey uses womanist theory which she states is her reason for demanding rest as a tool for liberation (Hersey 57). This theory was crucial to the framework of her movement, The Nap Ministry, as it allowed her to push back against capitalism, patriarchy, and white supremacy. Hersey claims that “Unlike white feminism, womanism holds space for race, class, and gender and understands the family and community of a Black woman are collaborators in the struggle for liberation (Hersey 57).” Although womanism is a major component of her resistance, it is certainly not the only theory that she broaches in her writing. Moreover, it could be concluded that her focus on capitalism and white supremacy furthers womanism and …show more content…

By resting, Hersey explains that she is able to push back against the system that continuously takes away from the lives of minorities (Hersey 4). Furthermore, rest is a form of activism that everyone can and should participate in, which she points out in her writing. Everyday, Americans are pushed to the point of exhaustion by the demands of capitalism, but by fighting back we can refuse to succumb to the abuse that is ingrained in our society. Hersey’s use of rest as a form of activism is an example of feminist praxis as it combats against the issues that women and other minorities face …show more content…

Whether it be a judicial change, a social movement, or a hate fueled act, it is undeniable that these shifts leave a toll on people. As such, it is crucial that our theory and praxis change with this unpredictable world. Some people insist that time makes a piece more credible, but when it comes to social advocacy and theory, this could not be more false. Moreover, Hersey’s ability to simultaneously focus on the experiences that Americans have faced in the past, while also emphasizing the need for change now gives her an advantage that the majority of second wave feminists simply do not possess. It is for this reason that Rest is Resistance could be deemed a credible source for academic study and feminist theory as a