Stages In Macbeth

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Macbeths Stages throughout the Play
(An analysis of Macbeths Manhood)
The play Macbeth is about many different things. It shows what power can do to someone once they have a little taste of it, then they start to get greedy and want more and more. In this play people will have nothing but loss and hatred in them because of what Macbeth has caused them all from three little prophecies that the witches told him. The prophecies are that Macbeth will get are that he will be Thane of Cawdor and then king of Scotland. The third prophecy is for Banquo which is telling him that even though Macbeth is going to be king your sons will, in the end, be king. Macbeth is slowly losing himself and throughout each act he is also losing more and more of his …show more content…

They are going to kill him when he goes to stay the night at Macbeth’s castle. Lady Macbeth starts by getting the chamberlains drunk so they won’t remember anything that will happen to Duncan. When the guards are drunk and passed out Macbeth goes in and kills Duncan with a dagger, once Macbeth comes back on stage he is covered in blood. Once the deed is done she is starting to doubt Macbeth and his manhood because she thinks that he will cave in to the guilt of killing the king and go and tell the people that is was them who killed …show more content…

He had killed so many people that he feels that there is no hope for him to be saved, so he doesn’t care how many more people he will have to get rid of in order to stay king and be safe. Macbeth has got so bad to where even the witches are calling him wicked. He thinks that he is so manly because he has killed many people in order to have the prophecies keep coming true, but he lost his manhood when he no longer cared about what was going to happen to him and his wife, before she killed herself. Clearly, you can see in each act that Macbeth is slowly losing his manhood because of all the wrong doings caused by the greed for power that he wants. Lady Macbeth has killed herself over the guilt that she has over killing Duncan and it didn’t exactly have the same effect on her husband as it normally would. I feel like once he lost his wife, Macbeth lost his manhood with everything