Macbeth Analysis

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Fair is foul, and foul is fair. (Act I, Scene I) Nothing is, but what is not. (Act I, Scene III) These two quotes mean it’s a world where nothing is as it seems. It’s a world where you’re never sure whether it´s a real dagger or an apparition, an illusion or Banquo 's ghost. It´s a world where you can’t trust anyone including the witches. Throughout this essay, I will be comparing the text version Macbeth to the 2010 modernized version Macbeth. I then will analyze the how the change in format affected the witches, the choices of scenery, and Macbeth. ‘Tis time, ‘tis time. (Act IV, Scene I)
Double, Double toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble. (Act IV, Scene I) This is one of Shakespeare 's most famous quotes in the play, Macbeth. …show more content…

(Act IV, Scene I) Macbeth was probably the wickedest of them all. He killed anyone that stood between him and having it all. I dare do all that may become and man; who dares do more is done. (Act I, Scene VII) In the modernized version, Macbeth seems to follow all the lines. There were some that were skipped, but no big deal. In the movie, Macbeth seems to have more of a bipolar outlook. While in the book, he seemed more tough, strong, and reckless. If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me, without my stir. (Act I, Scene III) A deed without a name. (Act IV, Scene I) Macbeth had a reputation that he was evil that had no words or earthly definition that could describe him. He was so bad that he would have ruined the witches spell that they were making for him if they had said his name. Sleep no more! Macbeth is murdering sleep. (Act II, Scene II) Once Macbeth would kill someone he was haunted by them in his own way. After killing the King and Banquo there was no sleep for him. In the movie, Macbeth was psychopathic. He was crazy and always fell for what the witches or anyone else told him. But, as in the book, he got more power crazy and wanted all the power he could get, although, in both versions Macbeth doth die. I go, and it is done. The bell invites me. Hear it not, Duncan, for it is a knell that summons thee to heaven or to hell. (Act II, Scene