Macbeth Soliloquy Analysis

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William Shakespeare was a very famous playwright who was born in the 15th century. He wrote many comedies such as a comedy of errors, xyz, his other famous plays were tragedies including Othello, Julius Caesar and Romeo and Juliet. Macbeth is a play based on a true story and has helped Shakespeare tell his audience in an effective way how one tiny flaw in your behavior can be fatal.

Macbeth 's soliloquy in Act 2 scene 1 describes his thoughts before he murders King Duncan. The extract serves as an important element in the play as it shows Macbeth 's feelings of hesitation before he commits the horrendous crime and how that doubt is resolved. Shakespeare uses structure, personification and foreshadowing to make the soliloquy important and mysterious. Macbeth 's speech is structured in a progressing way showing the development of his feelings. from the point where he has mixed feelings to the point where he is keen on what he has to do. The first seven lines introduce three different questions that Macbeth asks in lines 34, 37 and 39. The use of multiple questions marks indicate his confused and befuddled state of mind. There are many thoughts occupying his mind, and he does not have a calm mindset Shakespeare uses the word “clutch” in the phrase “let me clutch thee” to indicate Macbeth’s fear. “Clutch” refers to holding something tightly, normally out of fear. The use of this word instead of ‘hold’ signifies how terrified he was, unsure of whether he wanted to commit