Analysis Of Macbeth Act 1 Scene 7 Soliloquy

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Macbeth’s state of mind changes dramatically throughout the play. This is revealed through his soliloquy. In his soliloquy, He shows his intention he would like to achieve but its construction shows Macbeth’s mind still very much in confusion. However, most of the time Macbeth shows three different fears considering the consequences of killing king Duncan. At the beginning of Act 1 Scene 7, Macbeth is in turmoil about killing Duncan. He says “If the assassination could trammel up the consequence, and catch with surcease success; that but this blow might the be-all and end-all here.”(1.7. 2-5) This reflects he does not feel much guilt for killing King Duncan. Rather he feels afraid if he were to get caught. Therefore if he knows for sure that the murder is purposed successfully and there is a lower chance of getting caught, he will do it. As he goes through his soliloquy, in his mind killing Duncan would not be a problem but he fears punishment. “But in these cases we still have judgment here, that we teach bloody instructions, which, being taught, return to …show more content…

Macbeth says “His virtues will plead like angels, trumpet-tongued, against the deep damnation of his taking-off.”(1.7. 18-20) He believes that King Duncan has heavenly virtues while Macbeth has no virtues at all. This is a reference to divinity. Again, Macbeth will fear punishment rather than committing the deed itself. This time, rather than punishment in the mortal world, he fears punishment in the afterlife. The trumpet is a symbol for war. Macbeth fears that by killing Duncan he will start a war with the Gods, especially since these kings are subject to the Divine Right of Kings. Alternatively, the trumpet can signify sadness, that killing King Duncan will cause a sadness in the heavens, promising his stay on the throne to be short-lived or very

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