Macbeth was a good and loyal warrior for king Duncan but after he heard the witches predictions, it changed the person inside him. This play is from one of the best writer of all time William Shakespeare. The play is “The Tragedy of Macbeth".It's a summary about how Macbeth became king in the eleventh century and after he took the throne. At the end of the play Macbeth ambition was too big and it made him went to the wrong path which led to his death. First reason, Macbeth was thinking about murdering the king and it’s not a good choice. Then he finally did his unforgivable move which is kill the king when the king was visiting his castle. He couldn’t control himself because his ambition was getting too big and it swallow him. A quote in the play said ”Thou marshall'st me the way that I was going; And such an instrument I was to use.”(2.1.42-43) The bad thing about killing king Duncan was the prediction said he will be king in the future but he couldn’t wait so he killed the king. In the critic the author also mention of Macbeth was imagine killing king Duncan “A terrible image of temptation employing the very instrument of murder lures him on”(Snider). These two quote connect to each other and they told us that Macbeth was thinking of taking the throne and it’s the first reason lead to his downfall. …show more content…
He told Lennox that he killed them because he couldn’t control his anger, and for this reason it made people think that he is trying to hide the evidence “O, yet I do repent me of my fury, That I did kill them.” (2.3.107-108). In the lit crit of Snider said “The fear of retribution in a new shape is generated out of his bad deed” (Snider). The quotes tell us that Macbeth is too afraid to confess and he is making himself more suspicious in front of people about killing king