Why Is Temptation Important In Macbeth

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Temptation and Ambition A major theme in Macbeth can be closely related to events in today's world. The temptation of being able to do great things can lead to the ambition of doing whatever one has to do to achieve the goal that has tempted her. Ambition and temptation is common in today’s society. A current event in which ambition and temptation lead someone down the wrong path is Russian Olympic swimmer, Yulia Efimova. Like Macbeth, Yulia Efimova was tempted by her ambition to do great things. In the play, Macbeth could not resist his temptation which led him to killing multiple people. He was given a prediction by the witches that he would become king. In order for Macbeth to become king he would have to do something foul, Macbeth tried extremely hard to resist the temptation of killing the king. His ambition to be more powerful got the best of him and he killed the king to be more powerful. Throughout the play, he killed anyone he believed threatened him in …show more content…

This enabled her to compete in the 2016 Olympic Games that took place in Rio, Brazil, this year. Yulia Efimova still faced many repercussions throughout the Olympic Games. Like Macbeth, she had to live with what she had done because of her ambition to do better and her temptation to make doing better possible. Macbeth was not a supported King just like Efimova was not a respected Olympian. For example, she was booed by people for her participation in doping. She was considered the villain of the Rio Olympics swimming competition. She even had words with the U.S. swimmer Lilly King concerning the issue. Lilly King had strong views about Efimova’s two time doping incidents. Michael Phelps, also a U.S. swimmer backed King’s comments about Efimova and even praised King for speaking out about the subject. Yulia Efimova, like Macbeth, could not resist her ambition and temptation which lead to her