An Analysis Of Melba Beals 'Warriors Don' T Cry

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Noncompliance for Righteousness The woman resisted against the guards, working hard to push away the authorities. If she was sent away now, her family would never see her again. She would struggle and weaken only to become more heavily reinforced with her stance. She tugged away thinking of the consequences she would leave her loved ones to. Her mentality, however, was stronger than her physical strength. This case is also demonstrated in Warriors Don’t Cry, an autobiographical novel written by Melba Pattillo Beals, in the struggle of defying the norms of a predominantly white school, while facing both mental and physical harassment. Melba and the others resisted this harassment only to become stronger in the end through defying. As defiance …show more content…

Initially, resisting the negativity in a situation may leave the other unsatisfied. To emphasize, “‘Maybe it would defeat their purpose. They win when you respond the way they expect you to’” (242). Therefore, the bullies would not get the satisfaction when Melba outbursts the way they anticipated her to do. When Grandma India explains this topic to her, Melba didn't understand because she thought this would let the opposition win, however, though through this tactic Melba would have succeeded in leaving the boys feeling unfulfilled. Likewise, power leaves the defier with a better standing. In particular, “I felt great power surging up my spine like electricity. I left them standing there looking at each other” (243). It is clear that Melba uses this significant method to leave her opposers dumbstruck in that moment. Leading them to become unable to retaliate because she effectively shuts down any momentum they could use to harass her further. On the whole, through not giving the opposition satisfaction from their torment they will be unable to provoke any further, therefore giving the other individuals more power over the …show more content…

Some examples of the forms include, defiance leading to advancements, as many individuals in a given situation push forward by resisting the opposition's unruly methods to becoming victorious. Similarly, outlasting negative situations with other individuals may strengthen bonds made, in both terms of time and dependability, as the people in the situation may grow closer overall. Lastly, non-compliance with the opposition's goals may give the defier more power as it leads them to give no satisfaction to the other individuals. In modern society, defiance is crucial for bettering the communities made, as it guides the individuals concerned to confrontation, leading that to becoming the idea to surpass the bais an expectations which humankind may have placed on the