
An Analysis Of The American Dream In Winter Dreams, By F. Scott

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Live like a poor man, but with lots of money
Mansions. Lambos. and women. t all seems like everyone's desired lifestyle, but at what price? No matter the time, period everyone has wanted to live the wealthy lifestyle. In America to be considered upper class you have to earn at least 100,000 dollars a year. About 29% of people living in the United States are considered wealthy. This ideal of becoming rich and basically being able to buy anything is the lifestyle everyone wants. The hunger to become rich may make people turn a blind eye to their morals. To become rich, lying, betrayal, and cheating may be some of the morally wrong things people are willing to sacrifice for the greater good. Although “Winter Dream” was written 96 years ago, the …show more content…

What exactly is the American Dream? Before slavery was abolished the “American Dream” for African Americans was to be free, but on the other side white Americans still wanted cash. It doesn’t matter how far back we looked it was always about having the most amount of money. “Winter Dreams” written by F. Scott Fitzgerald is a example of the hunger to obtain the “American Dream”. In this quote it displays Dexters ambition to become wealthy; “where he was bothered by his scanty funds. But do not get the impression, because his winter dreams happened to be concerned at first with musings on the rich, that there was anything merely snobbish in the boy. He wanted not association with glittering things and glittering people – he wanted the glittering things themselves” (2:1). Winter Dreams was written in 1922. This was a prosperous time in American history where there was non stop parties, drinking, and a whole lot of gambling. Therefore, Dexter didn’t only want to be rich, he also wanted to be in the social ranking that an Ivy league graduation would get him into. This type of ambition to become rich still holds today as seen in “Money Trees” by Kendrick Lamar. In this verse by Kendrick “A dollar might just make that lane switch that’s just how I feel, nah. A dollar might just turn to a million and we all rich”(Lamar). This verse shows that some people’s eagerness for money will have them wander from their faith or

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