An Essay About Thanksgiving Day

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My dad and I always take an amazing trip down to St. Louis to see my family for thanksgiving every year. Every time we go I learn to love that place more and more. It is undoubtedly my most favorite place on earth. We leave two days before thanksgiving day so we can help my aunt prepare everything for thanksgiving. It is a 9 hour drive all the way there but it is totally worth every minute. I always know when we are entering the beautiful city of St. Louis, you can just feel the energy the city is putting off with all the authentic restaurants and beautiful city lights! It almost looks like a big christmas light show! I love the feeling of pulling into my aunt and uncle's driveway and seeing them run out of the house and give me a great big hug it fills me with so much joy to finally see them again!
As we walk into the house it hits you like a brick wall, the smell, that wonderful smell. It smells as if god himself had come down from heaven and cooked the most wonderful food you could ever imagine. My mouth began to water like a dog waiting for a treat. The whole house is filled with this lofting scent of all different kinds of food from homemade cookies to brownies and my favorite, homemade caramel corn!
There is a great vibe in my aunt and …show more content…

It is definitely a great smell to wake up to! It almost feels as if you died and went to heaven and God himself was making you a turkey for thanksgiving! As you walk up the stairs the smell gets stronger and stronger it is almost impossible to wait till dinner to eat, so every once in awhile I would sneak a little bit of food! As the day goes on my aunt is hard at work and I am trying to help with whatever I can. Last year i was in charge of making homemade applesauce! I had to mash up all the apples into a juicy pulp and then i had to add sweet brown sugar to top it