An Overview Of The Canadian Food Processing Industry

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The food processing Industry employs 290,000 Canadians and its production value worths $92.9 Billion. It is the largest manufacturing Industry in most Canadian Provinces according to the same source. Quebec and Ontario alone account for most of the production with an approximate sale of 63%. The Western Provinces sales total 29% and the Atlantic Provinces sales are about 7%. A percentage of 60% of these sales is made by Canadian companies. They are strong financially and most of their production is exported to 190 countries throughout the world.

« B2C »: In addition to the Ontario & Quebec geographic segments that PT Coco Sugar should take into consideration in its segmentation strategy, it will also be able to target different demographics of the Canadian population. According to our observations, the following segments fit the profile of the organic coco sugar: individuals living a healthy lifestyle, the diabetics, the high income people that are usually well-travelled & open minded, the Asian ethnic group, the Foodies, the chefs, etc. The coco sugar product has the attributes and offers the benefits that may attract these categories of consumers.

In terms of « B2B », PT Coco Sugar should definitely deal …show more content…

Despite our good will to determine the price to which it should be sold to the Canadian importers and distributors, a number of information required were not available to make that possible. In this regard, there is not even a product code for coco sugar at Canada Border Service Agency to calculate the applicable customs fees. In order to suggest a retail price for this product, we need to take all these fees into consideration to establish the correct price that will allow PT Coco Sugar to make a profit in the end. As we are unable to calculate the retail price at this stage because of a lack of missing information, we are not able to compare PT Coco sugar prices with the