Analysis Of A Is For Absent By Chris Piper

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It has been proven that many individuals find it difficult to determine if attending class should be mandatory or not. Many argue that as long as the student is doing well on the assignments and understanding the information, he/she should not be required to come to class. There are also many counter-arguments that say that one should be required to come to class no matter what. In his article “‘A’ is for Absent”, Chris Piper wants his audience to believe that attendance should not effect grades due to the fact that if a student can pass without coming to class, he/she should pass without being questions about their attendance. When analyzing Chris Piper’s “‘A’ is for Absent” it is evident that he is a student whose grade suffered due to his lack of attendance in school. He makes several points throughout his article that displays Pathos rather than Logos. In the third paragraph of his article, Piper states “But my refusal to attend class does not excuse policies that subvert the value of learning and …show more content…

This excerpt from Will Harrell’s “A Defense of Grade Deflation” gives an opinion on attendance affecting ones grade that is quite different from Piper. Throughout Harrell’s articles, it becomes evident that he supports attendance affecting a students’ grade. He informs the audience of many examples of how coming to class can be very beneficial to each and every student. In this article, Harrell appeals more to Logos and Ethos more than Pathos. Harrell discusses many questions and concerns of attendance such as “stress”, “job and graduate-school prospects”, “consistency across classes and departments”, and differentiation between “students more clearly in the top of the class”. It is clear that this article is clear and precise with discussing the negatives and the positives of grade deflation, while being in support of attendance effecting ones’