
Analysis Of Abraham Lincoln's Eulogy For Henry Clay

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This takes place between ten and twenty years before lincoln’s presidency. This is before he freed the slaves. However, at this state, the country is split into slave states(Union) and slave states (Confederate). The big argument is whether or not slavery should exist. The North believed it shouldn't. However, the South’s economy was agriculturally based and they needed slaves to work on plantations in order for their economy to thrive. Without the slaves the south would be in a major crisis. The South was debating leaving and becoming their own country, But the North has to convince them to stay and somehow get rid of slavery at the same time. Lincoln was placed in a very tough situation because he knew slavery was inhumane and wrong. …show more content…

He was against slavery but he felt like if he spoke up it would not help that much. Lincoln knew that freeing the slaves will not be an overnight process. And that it would take a very long time even taking a century for slaves to be completely free. In document number three Abraham Lincoln’s eulogy for Henry Clay he explained how Henry Clay’s act for freeing slaves in kentucky supported a bigger clause. And, how he was setting the right direction for their future “countrymen” to follow. Lincoln felt like Clay was being heavily influenced by the people around him that slavery was ok. He knew it was wrong but it was just his culture so he got slaves. However, near the end of his life he freed slaves. When Lincoln brings up how it would lead our future countrymen he meant the next generation. If they managed to convince the future generation that slavery is bad the slaves will be vreed in the future. Lincoln did not feel capable of freeing the slaves yet. He was relying on the future generation. What caught my eye was when in document number six the letter to Joshua F. Speed from Abraham Lincoln he said he kept his mouth shut even though he wasn't alright with what the slaves were going through. I felt like he was just one voice in a large crowd of other voices with a different pinion. Lincoln felt like him saying he was not for it would not have helped. He was not of great importance yet. He felt his voice was not worth even speaking out for. If I were in that situation I would speak out and say I was against it even though I was around the confederates because I believe everyone's opinion is worth something. My thought on the matter are also what is fueling my

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