Analysis Of Alex Cross By James Patterson

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What does an individual do when the love of there life is killed right before their eyes? It’s one thing to lose a loved one but another to witness that person be killed right in front of your face. Typically after losing a loved one an individual will experience grief in a number of forms. In Alex Cross, by James Patterson, the main character Alex loses his wife and experiences grief at several times throughout the book. For example, when Alex and his daughter Janelle begins to cry he begins to tear up feeling overwhelmed by reality and unreality of losing his wife. Alex also question why she had been taken away for no reason. Another time, Alex receives a letter from a serial killer who threatens to kill the grandmother and his kids. Feeling …show more content…

For instance, a psychologist help people handle their fears, guilt or anxiety that comes along with losing a beloved one. If and individual needs help coping with a loss one can see a psychologist. “Practicing psychologists use a variety of evidence based treatments most commonly psychotherapy to help people improve their lives”(American Psychological Association). Psychologist have doctoral degrees to deal with individuals who have trouble coping with a loss of a loved one. To add on, many health professionals have guides and tricks for an individual to deal with the harshness of grief. As explained in the book, “ You may be familiar with mind mapping from school. In grief work, it’s another way to help release your feelings”(Kuehn 37). Mind mapping can aid an person who needs a way to express how they feel about a loss. In addition, one who need help can contact different support groups and organization. On the condition that an individual doesn't know who to reach out to, “Many organizations can help teens deal with their grief when a loved one dies. These organizations offer private advice and can refer you to other helpful sources”(Kuehn 41). An individual who need help dealing with loss and grief can find support at various places. Through much new research on grief there are several treatment options and outlets to help those who are dealing with a