Analysis Of Amartya Sen's Capability Approach

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Amartya Sen’s Capability Approach The first thing to take in consideration is that Sen’s capability approach does not propose a theory where absolute solutions to problems are given. He instead, as the name suggests, brings up an ‘approach’, that paves the way for making an analysis and evaluation of problems. Amartya Sen’s capability approach puts its focus on the moral significance of individuals’ capability of reaching the kind of lives the value to live. In other words, it focuses on the possibilities that people have to choose the direction of their futures and be able to do whatever they reflectively consider is valuable. What mainly defines an individual’s capability of having a good life is defined by a set of ‘beings and doings’, like having a stable relationship or an exciting job, to which they have real access to (Wells, n.d.). The first and most fundamental concept to clarify and understand Sen’s theory is the one of capabilities. Sen itself describes capabilities as “A person’s ability to do valuable acts or reach valuable states of being; [it] represents the alternative combinations of things a person is able to do or be”(Sen 1993 : p.30, Capability and well being. In Nussbaum and Sen, The quality of life [found in Walker and Unterhalter, 2007]) The capability approach presents itself as a critique of approaches that put commodities, standard of living or justice as foundations of human well-being or fairness. It is indeed a critique to all those theories