Dbq Essay On The Codes Of Acceptable Behavior

912 Words4 Pages

Riley Jones

Religions of the same geographic origins tend to have similar codes of behavior and reasons that people exist today. A person traveling through the many regions of Asia may encounter the many religions and the beliefs of each religion. South Asia includes the religions of Hinduism and Buddhism, and East Asia has the religions of Confucianism and Taoism. South and East Asia’s religions focus more on the life around a follower and the path he chooses to take. These religions are centered around acceptable behaviors in the religion. Southwest Asia has the religions of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. These religions believe there is only one god, and that god rules over his followers lives. These religions tend to relate more commonly …show more content…

These documents express behaviors as they stress a developing understanding of man’s relationship to the real life surrounding him. Document 1 focuses on the codes of acceptable behavior in terms of Karma. The concept is that individuals are no more than the impression produced by their actions, Karma being the controlling factor. It can result in bad or good behaviors. Document 3 focuses on the codes of acceptable behavior in terms of respecting your elders. This document stresses the influence of surroundings and the idea that a person should give weight or emphasis to experience and age as opposed to a single supreme source. Document 4 focuses on the codes of acceptable behavior in terms of taking the middle path. This document explains how an individual’s surroundings impact their decisions and how a perfect person focuses on a balance of the extremes and not on a commitment to just one path. Document 7 focuses on the codes or rules for understanding the balance between real and abstract for a more complete existence. This document continues the theme of balance between two concepts and is consistent with Confucian philosophy. Experience rather than supreme guidance is the key. Documents 1, 3, 4, and 7 form a grouping based on ideology and geographical locations and are linked by surroundings and an understanding of one’s environment. These documents also have a limited focus on powerful central authority providing a specific