Analysis Of An Effective Breach For Inclusion In The Classroom

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Findings and Implications

Data Analysis Process

Each of the questions asked in my survey were to gain a better understanding of how teachers view the abilities of students with disabilities, how they can assist them and how their learning styles affect them. I also wanted to expand my knowledge on how both teachers and students can work together to successfully integrate inclusion within the classroom. Each survey had similar responses but had differences within how each teacher viewed and handles situations. I will be categorizing how I engaged with the data throughout this process by theme: overall knowledge of students with disabilities and their academic performance, attitudes toward inclusion, and support (how teachers …show more content…

If the student does not have an effective BIP or IEP it can cause huge disruption for other students in the class and for them emotionally.

How can teachers successfully teach for inclusion in their classroom?
The teacher has to be flexible and be willing to work with the special needs student and the special education teacher. The teacher must have a positive attitude about them and towards them.

How do the students learning styles affect them?
If the teacher does their job correctly they should be teaching to all learning styles along with accommodating their needs, if the teacher is able to teach to all learning styles then in this case all students should be able to learn and succeed. If the teacher does not follow this procedure it can cause a negative affect and cause the students to fall behind.

Participant 3

How do students with disabilities act and perform differently in a classroom setting compared to students without a disability?
I have found that the students I have had will perform at the level that you expect; most often it is discipline issues rather than academic issues. Communication between teachers and teacher parent is a …show more content…

Although, they are still able to perform at grade level and are still excel in the classroom it is often their behavioral problems that get in the way. Participant one and three and my literature review suggest that parent-teacher communication is important to determine the resources and needs the students should be given to help them succeed. The teacher is often unaware of what happens at home and the parents may be unaware of their performance in the classroom, therefore communicating the child’s needs will help with academic

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