Analysis Of Bernard Roth's 'Everything In My Life Does Have Meaning'

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No Everything In My Life Does Have Meaning! Bernard Roth the author of the Achievement Habit Stop Wishing, Start Doing, and Take Command of Your Life did a good job using Aristotle’s rhetorical triangle to convince us that nothing in our life has any meaning. In the first chapter of Mr. Roth’s book he discusses how nothing in our life has any meaning and the reason we think anything has meaning at all is solely because we give it its meaning. That stance seems erroneous and cynical at first glance, but on further inspection you can tell it not only makes sense but that his heart is in the right place. Bernard Roth gives us a lengthy list of his credentials just prior to this chapter, including being an engineering professor at Stanford and …show more content…

Mr. Roth goes about explaining and backing up his statements in an efficient and sagely manner that you would expect from a good engineer, never going on any tedious and unneeded stories they all have a purpose in what he is explaining whether it is what was just talked about or what he will be talking about in the pages to come. I personally noticed that he tends to explain something thoroughly which he is worried the reader will not fully understand which, when you look at his target audience makes a lot of sense. Mr. Roth also uses a more colloquial vocabulary in this book to cater to the average reader this again allows the actual information he is trying to get across to be understood. Although he has stunted his vocabulary he still uses the proper nomenclature when discussing specialized fields like Psychology this helps the reader to believe he has an understanding in the field. The last two sentences can be clearly seen to be true when you read a segment of his book like “Through repeated incremental changes, the entire image is altered. Done the right way, this increases your sense of what you can accomplish; Psychologist say your self-efficacy is increased.”