Definition Essay: What Is There Meaning To Life?

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Is there meaning to life? Absolutely, why should I believe otherwise, as if a belief that life itself were some random event? On the other hand, evidence to declare a purpose for living can seem random or inconclusive. However, in support of randomness, or, rather, what I have been taught as random occurrences in the world, e.g. DNA, fingerprints, or even snowflake patterns are perhaps singular events of a larger domain. Could it be that in the absence of a specific pattern, perhaps that is the pattern? In this lack of a pattern for life, though it may not be understood, we are shown how we are different and yet we know that humanity expresses many of the same desires in life. In the discipline of Mathematics, it is constantly searching for patterns. What pattern can we find repeating in the fractional numbers of π (pi)? There is no repetitious pattern to be found, but does that take away from its purpose and meaning? Life or the existence of life, (even if no two lives are the same) in a broader sense is still a pattern, even if no two lives are the same. Therein, even if a pattern were assigned to life or if life lacked a pattern, the meaning of life was not dictated by a theory or law. Conversely, life is what you believe it to be. The meaning of life is for each of us to assign, thus, the …show more content…

According to the promises of God, those who follow the path of righteousness are rewarded with salvation. Salvation is a promotion to glory, glory is admission to heaven (wherever that may be), and heaven is to be in the presence of God – face to face – forever. There is another place, actually, there are two thoughts. In the Catholic tradition, there is a place called Purgatory. Purgatory is a place of purging, a place where you are made clean before coming into the presence of such a holy being. In the Jewish faith, they believe in a time of purging too, therefore they pray for the deceased for up to a year’s time after that person