Analysis Of Chinese American Women Defense Workers In World War II By Xiaojian Zhao

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Life as a Chinese American woman during World War II was very difficult and challenging. In the article “Chinese American Women Defense Workers in World War II” by Xiaojian Zhao, the article talks about the lives of Chinese American women who worked as defense workers. It also talks about their journey to becoming a defense worker and all the challenges that the women had to face. The author wrote this article to inform the audience the lives of Chinese American women, while their men were off serving the country the women helped the war efforts by working as defense worker. Most of the time Chinese Americans are overlooked in their war effort it was mostly the whites males and females who gained the most attention for serving their country …show more content…

Throughout the article most of Zhao’s primary source was in forms of pictures, however, something that could elevate this article is by providing an interview with one of the Chinse American defense worker. Zhao could’ve also presented some charts or data to show to numbers of Chinese American women working as defense worker. Even though Zhao stated in her/his article that there isn’t a specific estimate how many Chinese American worker there were. Zhao could’ve obtained all the estimates that other source stated and present them all in a chart for the readers to estimate how much Chinese American women laborer there …show more content…

It also relates because as readers we are able to fully understand how Chinese immigrants were able to play a role in the war. Before the war, people had a negative image on the Chinese for stealing all the jobs. Readers are also able to understand the challenges that an immigrant had to face when coming to the United States. They have to go through language barriers, discrimination, and not being able to find jobs. This article is able to show a different side to the United States, this article shows the other side of history from an immigrant’s perspective. This article supports Eric Foner’s “Give me Liberty” because Foner wrote on how the Chinese American wanted to help with the war. After seeing and hearing about all the atrocities that the Japanese were doing to China, Chinese felt the needed to do something to help. Before the Chinese were given a negative image. However with the war they aligned themselves with the American and all negative discrimination seemed to fade away. Now it was mostly the Japanese that were discriminated and