Essay On Women In The Military

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Females are already in the military. The woman in the military already haves every right that the men do. The females have every right that a man would have if he was drafted, but the females would have the choice to be in that position. There are already females in the military, if the government drafted females they would be taking away the choice of those who do not want to be drafted, this would also cost the government a less tough military. Many women are in the military. All of the women in the military are there because they want to be, as a result all the women are able to pass all the requirements. When a female is in the military that means that she is there because she had the choice to join and wanted to. When a woman goes in the military she must go through the exact same test that the men did …show more content…

The drafting of the females would increase the numbers of females on the front where the enemy could capture the females. If the enemy were to capture the females what's to stop them from using, or abusing them if they are fine with murder in cold blood. The men would most likely go out of their way to try to protect the women, in addition to kill the enemy causing more casualties on the U.S. side. If women were drafted the 14% of women on the front would go up. “The Daily Wire” states how the females will have to kill without a second thought to it. If females got drafted the government would have to lower the military standards for the female draft to bring in a significant amount of people “The Daily Wire” states. The website also said in the past the government lowered the standards for police, and firefighters because the majority of the females couldn’t pass the requirements. The United States military would have a lot more females in the military from the draft which could be dangerous for the men let alone the