City Of The Ladies Analysis

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Christine de Pisan's quest for truth in the Book of the City of the Ladies The Book of the City of the Ladies ultimately represents and reinforces woman’s values during the text. Pisan uses three major characters to develop her thesis, which are Lady Reason, Lady Rectitude, and Lady Justice. These characters were used as reference and evidence of the woman’s true worth, more importantly they help the reader understand the main argument in a unified and convincing fashion, this argument will be discussed later on. We will study and research the most important aspects of Pisan’s Book of the City of the Ladies quest for truth, specifically on the character Lady Reason, with an emphasis on discussed issues; which are woman’s education, causes of misogyny, and inventions. Pisan’s Book of the City of the Ladies is a feminist text written in between the fourteenth and fifteenth century. Her intention was to defend woman from man’s unwarranted attacks, who focused on belittling woman. …show more content…

This is was an exemplary way to close such arguments of evidence, especially because women have been unrecognized in the past. In this section, Lady Reason mentions three major females who had contributed in that decade; these were Ceres, Isis, and Minerval. According to the text, Ceres brought the barbarians nomads who filled the cities, which live respectful of law. Her specialty was cooking, for this reason she provided them with corn, wheat, and vegetables that make the body beautiful and healthy. Ceres was considered heroine because she saved humanity by opening the highest forms of thought to the barbarians. On the other hand, Lady Reason mentioned Isis, who taught to graft lines fruit trees and to husband the good plants that would help sustain humanity. Finally, Lady Reason explained that Minerval provided woolen garments. She invented the art of building carts and