Women In Medieval Europe

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The Medieval period spanned from the 5th to the 15 century. Europe remained a dynamic and fascinating time in human history. The It would inevitably clash with the renaissance. Before this, the period had a version of how women were treated, how the church ruled, and the devastating effects of the largest pandemic on earth. Women during the age lived to about 24. The average takes into account the high infant mortality rates and abysmal advancements in health. The age of consent was 12 years old for girls. Societies such as India at the time continued the tradition of marrying girl at a young age. It was also common in Medieval Europe. Husbands also carried most of the rights within the marriage. The man could choose a wife and decide when he wanted children. It was always up to the man in these decisions and this practice was very typical, especially with inequality of sex present in the majority of human development. The church influenced heavily during the Medieval age. The church was always the highest building and would build higher to maintain this. The Church had total control over the peasants. Citizens would pay a tithe. A tithe was the payment of 10% from each citizen 's earnings. These would be paid in either money or goods. Unfortunately, not paying a tithe would result in no heaven for the non payer. The …show more content…

Also know as the bubonic plague, it began in the early 1330’s in China. It rapidly and viciously spread from merchant ships to ports. A common misconception is that rats spread the fleas. Mice are the true culprits. Fleas would travel on mice and bite unfortunate human victims. This resulted in the tragic death of 25 million from 1347 to 1352. Medicine barely helped. People believed that diseases of the body resulted from sins of the soul. Disease as supposedly spread by bad odors as well. The 4 humors of the human body were yellow bile, phlegm, black bile, and