What Are The Challenges Of Medieval Women

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Medieval women

What were the most significant challenges that woman faced during this time period?
Many medieval women were seen as a weaker sex in society, being treated unfairly and poorly by men. They had suffered through strong sexism, causing disadvantages as being unable to have the choice to vote, marry and when wanting to have children. In most cases, women were expected from their husbands to do their gender roles which had consisted of taking care of the children, cooking and cleaning. Women had limited job opportunities as many would take the roles of working in agriculture, midwives, healers and others being a stay-at-home Mum. Most jobs women didn’t have access to as they weren’t seen worthy enough, having men take over those tasks instead. Women were significantly challenged in medieval times every day, no matter what social class they had women were still frowned upon due to their gender.
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The classes would include of the lower class, middle class and the most respected being nobility. For women these social classes were mainly set on by their husband or Dad. Lower class women typically worked as servants and were generally not respected by higher classes. Although they were treated poorly, they had important roles such as cleaning, cooking and taking care of the children. Middle class women had more open opportunities for education, they received more wealth and a healthier lifestyle. Even though they received more wealth they were still not as important as noblewomen. Finally, being the highest-class, Nobility. Noblewomen had received a high level of education, having many privileges compared to lower classes. Despite the fact of their great education and chance they were normally forced to marry other families of the same class. Noblewomen typically looked down upon lower