
Analysis Of Coming Of Age In Mississippi By Anne Moody

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“Coming of Age in Mississippi” was written by Anne Moody, and it was naive to think that I would like this book. I learned a lot from this book, and most of it should not be done. The book tells the story of the life of a black woman in Mississippi in the 20th century, and it is challenging to read. She did not hide anything and showed everything that hurt her in life. Sham hunting, bigotry, her mother’s boyfriend, unemployment, and depressive exes. All of this made this woman write a book. Anne’s storytelling is, if I’m being honest, remarkable. This young freshman gave us this unfiltered inside perspective on how horrible racism shredded her life, and make no mistake, it was not pretty. But for all the terrible things it exposes her to, it also gives her the courage to do what is right and to fight for the justice and equity she always knew she deserved, and her story serves as a living memory of what a struggle it was in the already mentioned outrageous, never mind the movement which unfolded in the Deep Southern states in the 1950s and …show more content…

She’s an activist as well. Anne made a lot of difference, was involved in organizations like the NAACP and the CORE, and was very engaged with people on the ground in the field. She organized sit-ins and helped register voters, making the lives of black communities a little more transparent to the rest of the world. Oh, and by the way – her memoir also provides an insight into how different the struggle can be for women. Things she had to put on hold include but are not limited to the future, the family, and their hopes and expectations, and still, she fought. Really makes you wonder how far you’d be ready to go, huh? Anne Moody’s path to activism is a stern reminder of the struggles and dedication of those who reclaim their rights –and the rights of many others who need someone to stand up for them –and claim absolute social justice. One should not skip her book – so what are you waiting

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