Essay On Copycat Suicide

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A small joke could sometimes trigger people to commit suicide. An individual could tell another a joke about suicide and how in the joke, nobody cared for their suicidal action. That joke could then influence the listener to think the same and imitate the suicide from the joke. According to an article by Stefan Andrews, “copycat suicide is an emulation of the suicide of another person, most likely a famous one [and] supposedly, the person who is to commit a copycat suicide is usually moved to act by a report on the TV, or, as history suggests, by the written word” (Andrews). Whether for survival or admiration or other reasons, people have always copied other people. These suicide jokes often contain people as subjects, and it is of no surprise …show more content…

The first factor, biopsychosocial, proves the behavior of the family is most important in preventing suicidal behavior and not some jokes from the media. The second factor, environmental, is associated with the exposure of people to stressful events. According to the article, “this may include the loss of a person, pet, or job” (Kahn). The death of a loved one causes enormous distress to an individual. Losing someone who supports and accepts a person for what she or he is creates huge distress, and a copycat suicide is more likely to occur when a loved one dies versus when a suicide joke is told. Sociocultural factors, the third factor, relates to isolation and denying acceptance. For those who feel lonely, “feelings of isolation can be caused by sexual orientation, religious beliefs, and gender identity” (Kahn). From all three factors, the people around the suicidal individual influence the individual’s behavior the most. Close ones of the suicidal person impact his or her behavior greater than jokes, yet people will still argue it is not morally right to joke about the