
Analysis Of Everyday Life In Jail By Jimmy Santiago

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Imagine living the rest of your life in jail and how your everyday experience would be. Jimmy Santiago Baca has the exact problem going on with his life. He is in jail with a couple buddies for the rest of his life doing the same routine everyday. Jimmy Santiago makes the everyday life of living in jail seem as if it’s not all that bad, telling his stories and explaining to us how the everyday life goes. What makes certain places live on one’s memory is what they did, where they came from and how they did it all. People that go to prisons their emotions do not end up so good. No person would want to stay in a small area for so long with not the best food and no family communication. Prison can make you feel isolated, lonely and worried. Places can live on in a person’s memory by sensory details and emotions experienced when there for ex. Jimmy santiago Baca and his memory’s in jail and knowing all noises, smell and touches there. …show more content…

They go off of either what someone did, or where they came from. Jimmy Santiago Baca had a reputation at his jail and he lived on to hold it up. He stayed for a long time and did what he had to do. He is also known in prison because of how long he has stayed there. On line 37 he says ‘and 4 years later’ inquiring that he had been in prison for at least 4 years but time went by fast. In the text Jimmy Santiago Baca provides the readers a good feel to as of how the story goes. Baca makes his legacy, and makes the prison remember his name and presence from the time he had spent there. ‘Iron frames as wind swings past broken glass and seethes, like a frightful cat in empty spaces of the cell block.’ this quote is an example showing how well he describes the story and what’s going on to give you a good visual example. Jimmy is a well known character in the story and in prison for how long he was there

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