Analysis Of Everyday Use By Alice Walker

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I have chosen to analyze the literary piece of Alice Walker using the context of historical criticism. Historical criticism includes understanding the occasions and encounters encompassing the creation of the work, particularly the life of the creator, and utilizing the discoveries to decipher that work of writing. The author of “Everyday Use” takes up what is a repetitive topic in her work: the representation of the agreement and additionally the contentions and battles inside African-American culture. Alice walker utilizes portrayal and imagery to highlight the contrast between these elucidations and eventually to maintain one of them, demonstrating that culture and heritage are parts of daily life. The accentuation on the physical qualities of the yard or their extended living room, the pleasure in it points to the attachment that Mrs. Johnson as the narrator and Maggie have to their home and to the everyday routine of their lives. The narrator being aware of her standing and culture is also aware with her daughters’ characters despite of their differences. Mama describes herself as “a large, big-boned woman with rough, man-working hands. In the winter I wear flannel nightgowns to bed and overalls during the day. Both Mrs. Johnson and her daughter Maggie are acquainted with their traditions and honors their ancestors while her other daughter Dee is quite the opposite and more fortunate to be educated. Dee has moved towards other traditions that go against the