
Analysis Of From Here By Joseph Gresham Miller

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“You can never tell a book by its cover.” Said by “Edwin Rolfe, looking at the black and white cover of “From Here” by John Faithful Hamer, you would think it would be a plain book with only a little that might interest you. However after reading this book you can only then understand that it is filled with so much color that the cover wouldn’t be able display what is inside of it. Some of the passages throughout this book may take a bit of understanding, but when you do, it is an absolute beautiful book, that is filled with amazing things. Throughout this book it talks about how it is living in Montreal from the perspective of John as well as getting the details of some of his own private stories that are being told in a philosophical yet fun way. …show more content…

Getting to read this book for class and then getting the full explanation and thoughts that John had while writing this book, is like being the only VIP ticket available for a concert, where you are lucky enough to experience the behind the scenes detail. This book is filled with amazing philosophical quotes said by many, and the quotes aren’t just the boring ones you would think, but these are quotes that will relate to you and how you feel. Reading this book allowed you to understand what its like living here, with everything you need to know good or bad. The quotes mentioned in these book will make you wonder and when you least expect it, you will find your self thinking about some of things mentioned in this book. The quotes that each chapter begins with have become one of my many favourite things about this

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