
Analysis Of George Orwell's Poem 'Equation'

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THE ILLUSION: You get the life that you're given, we didn't get a choice. We have to hold on for our life and hope we don't lose our voice. They tell us how we should be and most of us fall in line. They paint us black, we all fade out and we just do our time. But I'm not ready to live this life full of conformity; I'll go against the grain because that's not how I want to be. You can't think what you want, and you can't say what you please, But while you're stuck in these confines, I'm free to be me. So worried about our image, we let ego control our lives, But it feels so much better, when you're the one that drives. Don't let anyone tell you the person that you should become. It's your life, for you to decide, and you can be anyone. It's comforting to believe the illusion, but there's so much more to life. …show more content…

It's time to open all three eyes and start thinking for yourself. Give your money to the hungry, and take it off the shelf. Go into your backyard and begin planting seeds. Spread the wealth to anyone that's in need. The next time you see a man begging for some change, Know that it's this society that made the man estranged. Don't judge the poor man, when you don't know where he's been, Give him all the money you can; be thankful you're not in his skin. Make your life about raising people up instead of bringing them down. The world needs people like this; to see this all you need's to look around. The enemy is not the poor and it isn't even fame. The true enemies here are merely fear and blame. The biggest fear is of being ridiculed for being an original. When it comes to blame everyone only wants to accept the minimal. It's a travesty when we have to try so hard just to be

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