Analysis Of Having Our Say: The Delany Sisters

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Even though it may have taken over one hundred years, Sadie and Bessie have figured out the key to living a long happy life full of love and friendship. The Delany sisters are telling their stories from over 100 years ago in their own distinct point of view. Having Our Say: The Delany Sisters’ First 100 Years by Sarah L. Delany and A. Elizabeth Delany with Amy Hill Hearth is a work of oral history that tells stories from as far back as the civil war. Having Our Say records the lives of Sadie and Bessie Delany including the struggles of growing up black in America. The Delany sisters have always respected their simple morals of faithfulness to their family, race, and country, even though their path to do so may differ. Although Sadie and Bessie Delany’s personalities are complete opposites, their basic values are the same. …show more content…

Because of her light skin, Sadie faces less discrimination in her lifetime. This may contribute to her being not as flustered or upset by racist and sexist comments. It also helps that she has a laidback attitude. One example includes when one of her white co-workers makes a racist comment, Sadie does not become distressed and even maintains her friendship with the woman. She faces prejudice head on with determination, just as she faces aging as another obstacle to overcome. Sadie Delany always keeps a positive outlook on life. Even at Sadie’s old age, her personality was still evolving and she was always open to change. Even though Sadie may not approach her problems in the most aggressive ways, she always seems to get what she