Analysis Of Herbert S. Bailey's 'Quoth The Banker !'

282 Words2 Pages
Adley – Week 5 Reply to Mazzuca

Quoth the banker! By Herbert S. Bailey, Jr.
Herbert S. Bailey, Jr. (1921-2011), was a renowned director of the Princeton University Press for 32 years, editor, and academic. As a book publisher, he notably championed acid-free paper, “digital book delivery,” and financial assistance for scholarly works. Under his helm, the Princeton University Press published the collected writings of Woodrow Wilson, Henry D. Thoreau, and Albert Einstein.
The poem “Quoth the banker!” is a narrative in general form and limerick in style. The stanza structure is cinquain (5 lines). The poem possesses an end rhyme scheme illustrated by words like lore, more, before, and score--followed by stuff, enough, and guff, and later cash,