
Analysis Of How I Learned To Love Football By Felisa Rogers

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In Felisa Rogers’s “How I learned to love football,” she begins talking and describing how her husband that she loves so much Rich and how he likes to tell her about football. Rogers then discusses her athletic inability of non pleasurable and how she and her family never cared much for sports and really didn’t pay attention to em. Rogers is a freelance writer and a graduate of Evergreen State College and a former teacher. The purpose of this article is to show how the author found out and opened her heart on how to have love for something that she pretended to love but never really cared for it. As a young lady growing up, “Rogers was raised to believe that football and baseball were the province of Neanderthal types who didn’t even know the …show more content…

The idea of preparing one better through formal education than personal experience can be seen in the “Top 10 benefits of a college degree” by Elizabeth Fuller. In this article to just basically say is that felisa didn’t understand the reason why to love sports but when she met the right guy for her something told her it was all worth it just being able to learn about sports around him and growing with him loving what he loves and I understand where she’s coming from because If I had a household that didn’t have sports on everyday or every weekend then I wouldn’t even know about any sports and felisa rogers is happy that she gave it a chance for the man she really loves and that’s what couples do when they really care about that person. They take the time to like what they like and compromise and it’s hard to transition to it but its all worth it at the end. Also, in this article Felisa also explains her heart for the guy she was with and how she did that for him I don’t know much about sacrifice but she sacrificed her time for him just to learn how to love football and not many women love football there’s more women that love basketball then football and I know this personally but don’t get me wrong basketball is good and all but football is a great sport but the story tells us she didn’t love any sport at all just because her family didn’t condone it or watch it like

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