Analysis Of Iago In Shakespeare's Othello

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Othello by William Shakespeare is a tale best looked at as a series of mangled puzzles, and deceptive tales. Throughout the course of the novel, Shakespeare frequently equivocates on the nature of one character’s actions and motivations: Iago. To the other characters in the novel, Iago is presented as the steady adhesive holding his fellow Venetian’s together through periods of crisis; however to the reader, Iago is known as a conniving and covetous individual who is ready and pry and steal what he wants through mistrust and deception. These mirages serve not only to fortify Iago’s ever-growing power, but also to cement him as a devious villain. Through the character of Iago, Shakespeare is able to manufacture a false reputation of honesty and trustworthiness towards Othello, conveying that villainy often arises from jealousy and revenge.
In Othello, seeing is believing, and nobody is as successful at toying with the “Appearance versus Reality” theme played out over the course of the novel as Iago. As the chain of command in Othello’s Venetian army began to erode after a fight between Montano and Cassio, Iago pounced on the opportunity to wield power with his boss. After Cassio had been removed from power as Othello’s assistant, Iago served as a voice on Othello’s shoulder, filling Othello’s thoughts with worry as to the intentions of Cassio. Othello, in a fragile and unstable position with a depleted sense of trust said to Iago, “Villain, be sure thou prove my love a whore,

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