
Analysis Of Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl By Harriet Jacobs

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Incidents in the Life of a slave girl by Harriet Jacobs is an autobiography of a fugitive slave girl during the 1800s. The unwanted pain of seeing her children become slaves encourages to take a run for freedom. Having to overcome many obstacles during her search for freedom keeps her strong to become free so she will never have to face her past experiences again. Linda Brent is the main character in the book who is searching for freedom. She works for her master who thinks he treats her fairly well compared to how slaves are normally treated. He understands that she is a key part to their work and family. Though he has betrayed her family in many ways he still considers himself a good man. Not only dealing with his self-righteous, heartless …show more content…

She starts as a slave girl explaining her family and her master. She states how her grandmother is free and has tried to let her be free but her master has betrayed her grandma in many ways and though he is scared of her he refuses to do right by her. She explains how her mistress stops liking her due to her jealousy issues. Though she is only doing it to make her feel better about the situation her mistress promises to protect her from the master’s sexual intentions. She later explains how she falls in love and asked her master to be sold so she can be married he states how he will never sell her. She then becomes pregnant with her first boy and is considered a disgrace to their master and her grandmother is really disappointed. He is born prematurely but grows to be healthy. She later has her daughter after the realization that if she manages to escape her and her two children could be free. So she plans to escape. She stays at this white women’s house in secret until it is no longer safe. She then went to hide at her grandmother’s house. This may sound like the most obvious place to hide but it might’ve been the best not only did no one catch her but she got to see her two young children grow without them knowing or finding out her secret. She wasn’t able to tell her children where she was going or when due to the fear that they might tell and get her …show more content…

Her arguments was how hard slavery was not only did she state her pain, she also stated other people’s problems and struggles that she learned about on her journey. One example of her talking about her struggle is when she found out who she thought was her friend betrayed her. This occurred when Mr. Sands said he was going to take good care and supply education for Linda’s daughter. Linda later found out her daughter barely knew the alphabet and wasn’t getting the stuff she needed. In the beginning Linda explains how Mr. Flint betrayed her grandma by never returning the loan Mr. Flint’s family took from

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