Analysis Of Individualism And Collectivism In China

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Neher wk 2, Ruth (1 day late – vacation) In this section, I am choosing China to do my research of the cultural dimensions. Individualism and Collectivism in China are not even considered. Individualism is about ones self and doing what needs to be done for yourself not others, based on independence. Collectivism is based on group goals rather than individual goals. Chinese tradition is opposed to individual glorification and considers anyone who desires personal enhancement as a threat to collectivism (Pye, 1982). Chinese are more group-oriented, they value respect and friendship. China is more Egalitarian, meaning that they share power and share authority and spread the authority out evenly. They do not expect all power as some cultures do. Next is Performance orientation, which means when the community encourages and rewards good things done and completed. With this China is midrange and rapidly developing performance orientation in the workforce. ` Future Orientation involves the degree to which cultures are willing to sacrifice current wants to achieve future needs` (Cardon, P. 2013 Pg 13). This, in turn, means some live in the moment and do things on the spur of the moment while others plan accordingly. And in so many ways Chinese live in the moment. Now with China, they are on the low side of assertiveness. `Everything is difficult, but everything is possible` ( Cardon, P. 2013 Pg.14). So meaning that yes when things get hard you must work more to try and

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