Analysis Of Janie In Their Eyes Were Watching God By Zora Neale Hurston

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Janie lets society influence all her decisions in the beginning of the book. Janie reaches maturity and experiences many thing that shape her into taking decisions without influences.

Nanny has never wanted janie to chose by love or by heart but simply to chose by interest. “hut ah seen just now is plenty for me, haney, ah don't want no trashy nigger, no breath- and- britches lak Johnny Taylor usin’ yo’ body to wipe his foot on.” (Hurston _) The first person that influences on janie's life is her nanny. Nanny wants Janie to marry a man that will bring her protection. Janie's nanny does not think that she should not love any man she should instead look for a man that can do things for her and keep her safe.

Janie's nanny can not find a way to make janie view things in her perspective so she had RECORRER “you just wants to hug and kiss and feel around with first one man and then another, huh? (Hurston 13)You wants to make me suck de same sorrow yo’ mama did eh? Nanny always influenced janie's decisions most of the times. Nanny always found a way to make Janie feel guilty for what her mother had done and she was always compared to her mother as if she had done the same thing. …show more content…

“Joe Starks had not been dead but nine months and here she goes sashay off to a picnic in pink linen. Done quit attending church, like she used to. Gone off to stand for in a car with Tea Cake and her dressed in blue{...} poor Joe Starks bet he turns over his grave everyday.” (Hurston 110) Janie began to notice that it was still too soon to be going on a date, she noticed that she stopped doing the things that she should have kept doing. She had a huge turn in her personality, she was doing what she felt not what other people would see right or appropriate.Janie also thought on Joe and how much he would hate it but she still did not care, she expressed relief and freedom at the