What Is John Locke Limitation Of Liberty

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John Locke believed that,
“Every man has a property in his own person. This no one has a right to but himself.”
Since man owned himself Locke believed he should also own the fruits of his labour too. When it comes to John Locke addresses very eloquently a vast array of issues in the realm of epistemology. Locke proposed that an essential condition for liberty to be enjoyed is ‘property’.
To justify his perception of liberty he starts by explaining the power of mind, and how we already possess it and the ability to use it to decide if an action has to be continued or not, whichever the mind prefers. The mind also considers a certain action and then whether to follow through with it or not, this power which the mind has is called Will. Furthermore for understand determining of this will we should first understand that only present satisfaction counts and some uneasiness causes us to change the action or continue the action. This power of the mind having control of man’s actions from the extent of consideration to actual action or inaction creates a space …show more content…

The cycle that he thinks will follow includes the state of war. Whenever the government tries to take the people’s property or destroy it the government is violating their national rights. Moral rights have to be defended before people are reduced to slaves of the government. He says that an illegitimate civil government violates the national rights of its citizens and puts itself into a state of war with them. Locke defended the moral right of revolution to resist tyranny.

In conclusion both Locke and Mills have polar beliefs about liberty, they have different definitions for liberty, and they have explained and justified liberty and how it’s a threat. Political thought of John Locke and John Stuart Mill is seen on the same tangent and same conceptualization of liberty but they differ in certain crucial