Analysis Of Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God By Jonathan Edwards

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In the “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” Jonathan Edwards uses his opinions in a list to show emphases on the “Truth” he want’s these “wicked men” to observe. Thus we can argue that Edwards is giving them little faith in God verses the feeling of possible redemption. In his quote, “There is nothing that keeps wicked Men at any one moment, out of Hell, but the mere pleasure of GOD,” plays with these “wicked men’s” minds to believe his list to come will be of how they can redeem through God, but in realty Edwards gives a listing of ten “Considerations” of his “Truth” he wants us to observe and believe. His lists makes it seem like these “wicked men” don’t have a chance of redemption and he is only trying to speak of his opinions of their damnation. …show more content…

In Edwards’ eyes, God’s hands are tied by the choices these men have made, but what about redemption? Can man no longer right his wrong? He says that this is “no want of {the} power of God.” Yet, According to Edwards God’s out to “destroy them.” I believe this is Edwards’ opinion on how God handles the wicked. If he was preaching and talking to us as sinners, would he not try to save us? Instead he is talking down about these men looking for an agreement of his religious opinions possible through other religious people with the same opinions. By doing this he’s not giving these “wicked men” the hope or satisfaction of avoiding hell, he is speaking his “truth” to open their eyes to reality and to consider the possibility of being God’s