Latina/O Transpopulation Literature Review

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In Latina/o Transpopulations, Marcia Ochoa explores substantial gaps in Latinx transpopulation literature and origin. Ochoa attempts to understand US trans latina/os’ experiences through the notion of populations, which is useful for three reasons. One of the reasons was that by terming populations, it signals literature and policy on public health on the migration of Latin America to the United States. One of the goals of Latina/o Transpopulations is to inform the reader of the numerous categories and forms of social organization in the diverse groups among Latina/o transpopulations. Ochoa looks for tracks of Latina/o trans people, including major events such as the creation of the border upon the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, after which …show more content…

Not only are there conflicting labels regarding the transpopulations, but there is also a misrepresentation of trans-latino existence in the United States. I found it interesting that there are different stigmas arising from social networks for transgender women and transgender men in both Latin America and US latino contexts. Overall, it became clear that there are several obstacles to the studies of Latina/o transpopulations, which includes the lack of visibility and ambiguous practices of categorization. Ochoa also categories four trends and gaps in Latina/o transpopulations literature. This includes work that focuses Latinx trans experiences, inclusion within larger projects such as sexuality or LGBT history, description in public health information, and cultural, oral, or ethnographic studies on queer Latinidad. This is very important because the trans population are not currently considered in a recent review for Mexican migrants public health, which ultimately omits them from studies. Therefore for many individuals, this omission implies negative consequences in terms of availability of services and …show more content…

This was also a significant portion of the article because it relates to one of the key ideas in class, such as teaching history or culture that is not exclusively white American history. America’s history is a history of colonization and migrations. By having cultural studies on queer latinidad, the national population can become more informed and accepting to the idea of a population who embraces intersectionality and can be comprised of diverse

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