Analysis Of Mary Wollstonecraft's Essay 'Vindication Of Women'

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Mary Wollstonecraft an early feminist philosopher, writes about the ideals of equality and freedom both in her political rebuttal essay “Rights of Men” and her follow-up essay “Vindication of Women” in response to philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Writing the “Vindication of the Rights of Men”, has led her to explore and express her opinions about the inequality of women during the Romantic period. As the opposition to post-revolutionary sentiment, extending rights as a just act to include the upper middle class of men, over maintaining the traditional rights given to men of nobility. Wollstonecraft interjects that women are also a vital importance to society and also deserve allowances of rights. Mary Wollstonecraft states her opinion on the argument that education is the basis for gaining equality within a society. Educating women begin the process of educating the next generation.
Mary Wollstonecraft mentions in her essay that an education for women is essential, for it is their gender’s responsibility to educate and nurture the next generation of children. Quoted in the phrase “such an attention to a child as will slowly sharpen the senses, form the temper, regulate the passions as they being to ferment, and set the understanding to work before the body arrives at maturity” (Wollstonecraft 220)”. …show more content…

A virtue, which is the rights of men and women. In order for women to obtain their natural rights to equality in society, a woman would have to gain an education. Early in her life, Wollstonecraft felt that an education was a cure to many of the disadvantages that faced the women of a time period where they were considered less articulated than men. A feminist leader of her time by opening a girl’s school at Newington Green to writing a book, “The Thoughts on the Education of Daughters. Mary Wollstonecraft has spent a significant portion of her life supporting the education of