Analysis Of Mccandless In Into The Wild By Jon Krakauer

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McCandless went to the wild thinking he could find himself and happiness because he thought happiness comes from loneliness which he should be admired for. McCandless find happiness by being on road on his own which makes him feel independent. On this trip he encounter many people whom he get along very well, but he leaves all of those people. As a matter of fact McCandless could have stayed with Jan Burres if he just wants to be on road, but he didn’t because that’s not that he wants. He wants to be independent which he thinks can happen by being alone. “When he left, we never expected to hear from him again.” (Krakauer 31). Jan Burres told Krakauer that Mccandless left her and Bob, he did that because he is relying on the person somehow by being with them which McCandless does not want. In the same way he left Ronald Franz and Wayne Westerberg even though he sees Westerberg as a father figure. “Westerberg was both shorthanded and very busy, so he asked McCandless to postpone his …show more content…

He is well educated man from a nice family background. He could have had all the luxuries things, but he choose something more beautiful. For example he choose to burn all his money knowing he would need it in the future. “He told us about abandoning his car, about burning all his money.” (Krakauer 30). He abandoned his car and burned his money because for him happiness doesn’t comes from money or car. People were happy long before cars were invented so they could be happy again without car. Not only he burns his money, but he also gives it away to charity. “Was that he would shortly donate all the money in his college fund to OXFAM America.” (Krakauer 20). He gives away all his money because he thought that money can take ones happiness by making them slave to other person. Of course his main reason for going into the wild is to find Christopher