Analysis Of Dr. Seuss Consumption, Modern Style

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Bell. 2004. “Consumption, Modern Style” Pp. 34-50 in The Material Bell opens the section talking about the importance of being on time in today’s society. He then goes on stating that because being late is viewed as a sin today, many people wear watches. Then breaking down a traveling experience to a third-world, unindustrialized state where he met a local who wore a broken watch. Seeing this made the author realize what watches all around being worn means, people want to show off their high class status. Then listing conspicuous waste, consumption, and leisure as the representative of today’s leisure class, those who use funds in order to pay someone to do their work for them, stating that they are commanding the environment through other …show more content…

Seuss’ “The Lorax” as a parallel to today’s thinking on environmental restoration and conservation. The author quotes the once-ler “I’m just meeting consumer demand, If I didn’t someone else would” who is representative of big business, who is opposed and bested ultimately by the Lorax, an individual on a mission. The individual success shown in the Lorax is a major reason for its popularity, as it sends the reader the notion that if they are driven enough, they alone can make a difference. The author then proposes his improved version of Impact = population * affluence * technology (IPAT), which is IWAC, Impact = quality of Work * meaningful consumption Alternatives * political Creativity. Stating that it is an illustrative of the concept rather than IPAT, which he views as more of a perspective of the concept. MacKendrick, Norah. 2014. “Media Framing of Body Burdens” Pp. 321-336 Environmental Sociology: From Analysis to Action, edited by D. McCarthy Auriffeille and L. King. Lanham, MA: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, …show more content…

Decentralization occurred due to the quick action taken by private companies who had interest in seeing more streetcars in our cities. Due to the niche Auto-oil-rubber industries that support one-sixth of our nations jobs funding, they were able to buy up most of the public transit, and then destroyed or trashed the equipment, in order to eliminate the competition. Then ending by comparing Germany’s rail system, in which a strong government push was necessary against private companies in order to preserve their railways, which was missing during the major drop in mass transit during 1936-1955 in the United