Essay On Passive Resistance Gandhi

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No other individual is as influential to human rights and activism as Mohandas K. Gandhi. Gandhi was born in 1869 and died in 1948. During his life he was most famous for his role in helping India secure independence from British colonial rule. During this period of his life he produced several written works. In 1909 Gandhi released Hind Swaraj, in which he argues that the British rule over India hasn’t been beneficial, or to the best interest of the country. Gandhi urges that India should make an effort towards reclaiming its sovereignty. To achieve this goal, Gandhi express that resistance to the British rule must not be violent or aggressive. Instead, the key to achieving Indian independence, Swaraj, is for the Indian people to utilize the power of ‘passive resistance’. There are many reasons why the Indian people were motivated to get rid of the British. The colonial rule of India, which began in the 1800’s, was a system of exploitation and cultural submission. In Hind Swaraj the character of the reader even recognizes the oppression of the …show more content…

,xxxx). Likewise, those who don’t exhibit these tendencies, and who respond with violence, or ‘brute force’, they end up disrupting this harmony. Thus, Gandhi concludes, they become events of a sort, and go down in history (Gandhi, p.73-74 ,xxxx). Speaking as the editor, Gandhi explains how history is simply “an interruption of the course of nature” (Gandhi, p. ,xxxx). The course of nature he speaks of being the harmonious state of affairs in peaceful society. In Gandhi’s view, history is nothing but a series of events celebrating acts of violence and force. People are more likely to bring attention to and discuss negative things, then the

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