Analysis Of More Testing More Learning By Patrick O Malley

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In the essay “More Testing, More Learning”, Patrick O’Malley, the author, states that he thinks college professors should test students more often to enhance their learning. Patrick declared that semester finals or midterm exams are causing much unneeded stress on the students. O’Malley thinks that if professors gave more tests, quizzes, and homework during the semester, maybe the students wouldn’t be so stressed out about one final test. Also in his article, he explains why having more of these tests and quizzes would give the scholars better studying habits. More tests and quizzes, equals more studying. Some professors disagree with the method of more testing because of the fact that it might take up much needed class time. Some classes only meet every few days, and if you are testing on most of those days, how are you going to learn new material? …show more content…

Overall, “More Testing, More Learning” was a very good essay. Patrick excelled in using many different writing strategies, using statistics and stories pertaining to his main idea. Not only did he use credibility to better his main point, he also included much background information on his topic. Although he gave background on what other students did or felt, he struggled with telling the audience any of his personal struggles with taking midterms. Also a slight downfall of the paper, O’Malley did not do a very good job at using appropriate language. Sometimes he would use very strong wording, but in other parts the wording was unclear. Finally; author Patrick O’Malley did an amazing job of keeping close to his main theme throughout the entire article. “More Testing, More Learning” was an incredible