Analysis Of Paul Revere's Ride By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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“Myth vs. Fact” Writing “Paul Revere’s Ride” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. That poem has played a big role in American patriotism. What most people don’t know is a lot of the “facts” about that glorious night are actually myths. Most people think Paul Revere was a lone action hero. Actually, he was not. William Dawes also rode because, if only one person rode there was a big chance of them getting captured. Another myth that people think is true, is that Paul Revere was the mastermind of the plan. As a matter of fact, Joseph Warren was in charge of the plan with many other advising him. One last myth is, Paul Revere waited for his friend to send the signal if the British were coming by sea, or by land. In fact, Paul Revere himself was