Analysis Of Paulo Freire's Pedagogy Of The Oppressed

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" to the oppressed, and to those who suffer with them and fight at their side "

By these few words, Paulo Freire chooses to dedicate his "Pedagogy of the Oppressed"; The book title that might be to some people a little deceptive, and to others a good deterrent from reading. One can set certain expectations from the book, then once the pages reveal themselves, it is possible to find yourself dislocated between what you are expecting and what you actually find out through reading. The book is detailed, full of theoretical analysis and technical terms. Nevertheless, its deep ideas are thought provoking, and they worth every single moment be spent on reading them or in figuring out what they would mean in relation to our realities.

Paulo Freire 's thoughts in book that was first published in Portuguese on 1968, reflect his own experience of living in a neighborhood among the poor and oppressed, which had informally educated him about the possible kinds of relations between education, social-economics, oppression and liberation. Nevertheless, the book is not solely a product of his own study and thought (p. 37). It is an accumulation of the work he developed throughout some years of working and experimenting with the illiterate workers and peasants in Chile, and earlier in Brazil in the sixties and fifties of the last century. The author, a Brazilian thinker and educator, had been active both regionally and internationally in promoting popular education, developing adult